Destination Vs Manifestation !!!

Âdithya K
4 min readMar 11, 2023

In the world of modern era , there are two popular concepts that often come up: destination and manifestation. Destination refers to the end goal or outcome that you are working towards, while manifestation refers to the idea that you can attract and create the things you want in your life by using the power of your thoughts and emotions.

While both destination and manifestation are important in achieving your goals, they are not either the same thing, but it’s essential to understand the differences between them.

Destination is your final goal, the end result that you are working towards. It could be a specific job, a certain level of income, a particular house, or anything else that you want to achieve. The destination is the outcome that you desire and what you are striving for. Without a clear destination, it’s challenging to make progress because you don’t know where you’re going.

Manifestation, on the other hand, is the process of attracting and creating the things you want in your life by using the power of your thoughts and emotions. This concept is based on the idea that you can attract positive things into your life by focusing on them and visualizing them. It’s a tool that you can use to help you achieve your destination.

So, which is more important: destination or manifestation? The answer is that both are equally important. Without a clear destination, you don’t have a clear goal to work towards. Without manifestation, you don’t have a clear plan to make your destination a reality.

Lets talk about how Manifestation works There are many ways to manifest but upon everything here are few popular techniques

  • Journaling
  • Vision boarding
  • Repeat positive Affirmation
  • visualisation


A manifestation journal is a book with blank pages that invites you to write down your dreams, goals, and desires. It’s a manifestation technique, like the law of attraction, that can help you stay focused and motivated even if it doesn’t actually “make” things happen.

Vision Boarding

Vision boards are a collection of images or objects arranged in a way to help you manifest your goals or vision. This board can be physical or digital. Vision boards are highly versatile. You can use them to manifest your personal goals or create a visual representation of a personal vision statement.

Positive Affirmation

Positive affirmations are positively loaded phrases, or statements that are used to challenge unhelpful or negative thoughts. People can use positive affirmations to motivate them, encourage positive changes in their life, or boost their self-esteem.


In manifestation, visualization allows you to simulate the experience of already having your desires in the present moment. This is a profound practice to help you get clear about what you want and begin vibrating at the frequency of your desires today.

The manifestation of your desires is the first step to creating your reality.

Lets go with an example consider your Destination/Goal is bundling a house there comes Destination first before manifestation. Only with Destination the Manifestation comes into picture. On the way to build a house Manifestation can be used in everything. That can be either used on the Final Output which you need to get or in between anywhere in the Journey.

The key is to combine these two concepts in a way that works for you. First, set a clear destination or goal for yourself. Once you have a destination in mind, use the power of manifestation to help you achieve it. Visualise yourself achieving your goal, feel the emotions associated with that achievement, and take action towards making it a reality.

You manifest what you believe, not what you want.

Scientifically speaking, there’s no concrete evidence that says the Manifestation actually exists.

Proponents say the its supported by theories from quantum physics that suggest this vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. We are vibrant beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration is equivalent to a feeling and in the world “Vibrational”

“It’s the principle that ‘like attracts like.’ What we put out into the universe, we receive back, because everything, even thoughts and feelings, carry a vibration,” says Emma Halley, a spiritual wellness coach.

“By believing that we’ve already achieved [our desires], we put a matching frequency and vibration out into the universe that will, in turn, attract it to us.”

If you want to find the secrets of universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

In conclusion, destination and manifestation are both essential concepts in personal development. Without a clear destination, you have nothing to work towards. Without manifestation, you lack a clear plan to make your destination a reality. By combining these two concepts and using them together, you can achieve your goals and create the life you want.

